PTA General Meeting Minutes

May 7th, 2020



1.)   Call To Order 7:05

Attending: David Swider, Batkhuu Batjargal, Tami Gomez, Brooke Mohrland, Sonia Ramos, Jennifer Slater, Carrie/Terri Cardamon, Lissette Herrera, Liz Davis, Cannice Castro, Cara Ingebrigtsen, Carrie Davis, Chris Celio, Danyel VanDiver, Jackie Hernandez, Jamie Spruiell, Joann Magleby, Kathleen, Kelley Warrell, Kerstin Boyzch, Laura Torrez, Lissette Herrera, Michelle Lutz, Ryan Sheehy, Sal C, Sarah Michenfelder


2.)   Principals Report

Distance learning has been a powerful thing. There are frustrations and there are some super excited and super positive parents, too. If there are areas for growth, please continue to send in the suggestions. Parents need to determine if their children are engaged with what teachers are offering. Distance learning is not ideal for every child.


Do not have fear or anxiety that your children are going to be behind. Teachers will help children to catch up where needed.


Following state and federal directives. Always go to for updated information.


Report cards: Many not assessed (N/A)  grades, due to COVID 19 because many will appear the same. Evaluations are looking at mastery of standards and if items were not assessed, they will be N/A.


Communication: Was using school messenger.


School Counselor is available.


5h Grade Camp refunds will be coming. Intent is for PTA to be refunded their $2000 for bus travel.


School pictures: Everyone who works for the photography company has been laid off and they cannot mail our photos home. Pictures will be a part of end of year distribution. Providing every single student will receive a yearbook at the end of the year.


Still waiting on numbers of students per grade. Looking at a 2nd/3rd split class. At this time three full 4th and 5th grade classes. Enrollment seems to be getting lower and Highlands is losing one FTE.


Kindergarten times will be shifted. Bell schedule has not been posted. The school that we return to, whenever we return, will not be the school we left.


Food distribution continues for breakfast and lunch. No questions asked. No ID or needs.


State education budget: dismal prior to pandemic and likely to see further reductions.


Promotion: ideas circulating on how to celebrate our fifth graders. Possibly a drive through ceremony.


Signs for 5th graders: 50 or more signs would be $9 each and less than 50 are $11 each


5th grade team would like some type of closure and would PTA want to be a part of it.


Planning pick up days for students to come pick up things: Friday of the last week of May


1.)   Review of Minutes for March meeting: no minutes distributed to review

2.)   Officer Reports

a.)   President

                                             i.)          Website updates

                                           ii.)          Auction- Refund early buyers

Based on items we have received from sponsors, roughly $7000-$8000 in revenue

Several schools have tried online auctions with success

No refunds if auction items are not able to be fulfilled

Push online auction out the last week of May

                                          iii.)          Budget - Review and finalize

                                          iv.)          Science and Technology Positions

Motion to cut both science and technology positions for 2020-2021 budget, 1st Bat B, 2nd Jamie S.: 14 yea motion carries

b.)   Vice President

                                             i.)          5th Grade signs

Motion for $600 for fifth grade promotions

1st Chris Celio, 2nd Bat B.; 1 oppose; 13 yea; motion carries

c.)   1st Vice President

                                             i.)          Book Fair update

d.)   Membership: no updates

e.)   Treasurer & Financial Secretary

                                             i.)          Expense Motions 1st David S 2nd Jamie 10 yea; motion carries


Emily McGee




Class Room Expense

Ryan Sheehy




Principal Discretion Fund

Denna Muller




Science Lab

Theresa Vo




Class Room Expense

Laura Torrez




Class Room Expense

Kathleen Rovere




Class Room Expense

Mt Diablo School District




Computer Lab Assistant

Mt Diablo School District




Science Lab Teacher

Carrie Davis




Science Lab

Carrie Davis




Class Room Expense













f.)    Teacher’s Report: teachers understand there are good days and bad days and encourage parents to have good self care

3.)   Old Business

a.)   New Board members

President: David Swider

VP: Chris Celio

VP: Jennifer Slater

Secretary: Jennifer Slater

Secretary: Kathleen Blain

Treasurer: Bat Batjargal

Financial Secretary: Lissette Herrera

Parliamentarian: Rosa Peters

Membership: Danyel VanDiver/Sonia Ramos


4.)   New Business

a.)   Nominating Committee: 5 committee members and two alternates

5.)   Adjournment 9:03pm